Welcome San Francisco Movie Makers (1960)

Preserved by the San Francisco Media Archive with NFPF support.


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7 More Movies Join the Online Field Guide to Sponsored Films

We’re happy to announce seven recent additions to the Online Field Guide to Sponsored Films, the free screening room featuring movies from The Field Guide to Sponsored Films, written by Rick Prelinger and published by the NFPF in 2006. All seven additions are derived from HD scans created by the National Audio-Visual Conservation Center of the Library of Congress.

A wedding is one of the many joys of everyday existence celebrated on three screens in To Be Alive! (1964).

These films in were produced for a richly varied set of reasons. Some titles were commissioned by charities highlighting their good works, as with On the Firing Line (1936). Sponsored by the National Tuberculosis Association, this public health travelogue highlights cross-country locations that have played a part in the struggle against tuberculosis and discusses modern treatment methods. … Read more

tagged: sponsored, film,, streaming, video

8 More Movies Added to the Online Field Guide to Sponsored Films

Eight movies now join the Online Field Guide to Sponsored Films, the free screening room of entries from The Field Guide to Sponsored Films, written by Rick Prelinger and published by the NFPF in 2006.

Video conferencing and other joys of the future are predicted in Living Unlimited (1951).

Viewers can enjoy 185 sponsored films in the screening room. They were commissioned during the 20th century by a grab-bag of organizations: businesses promoting commercial products, charities highlighting good works, advocacy groups bringing attention to social causes, and state and local governments explaining their programs. All eight new additions are derived from HD scans created by the National Audio-Visual Conservation Center of the Library of Congress.

Two of these films have never before appeared online. Memo to Mars (1954), made by Wilding Picture Productions for the U.S. … Read more

tagged: sponsored, film,, streaming, video

7 Movies Join the Online Field Guide to Sponsored Films

Bowl in style after enjoying The Golden Years (1960).

The NFPF has added another seven films to its Online Field Guide to Sponsored Films, a free digital screening room that presents entries from The Field Guide to Sponsored Films, written by Rick Prelinger and published by the NFPF in 2006.

The screening room hosts a total of 177 sponsored films, commissioned during the 20th century by a variety of American organizations: businesses promoting commercial products, charities highlighting their good works, advocacy groups bringing attention to social causes, and state and local governments explaining their programs. Though several of the new films are already online in low-resolution copies made from analog transfers, our videos are derived from HD scans created by the National Audio-Visual Conservation Center of the Library of Congress.

Time Out for Trouble (1961) … Read more

tagged: sponsored, film,, streaming, video

12 Movies Join the NFPF's Online Field Guide to Sponsored Films

Promote any product you want with The Your Name Here Story (ca. 1962), sponsored by [your name here].

Today the NFPF adds 12 movies to its Online Field Guide to Sponsored Films, a free digital screening room that presents entries from The Field Guide to Sponsored Films, written by Rick Prelinger and published by the NFPF in 2006.

The screening room hosts a total of 171 sponsored films, commissioned during the 20th century by a host of American organizations: businesses promoting commercial products, charities highlighting their good works, advocacy groups bringing attention to social causes, and state and local governments explaining their programs. Though several of the films circulate online in low-resolution copies made from analog transfers, the new videos on our site are derived from HD scans created by the Library of Congress.

Just ImagineRead more

tagged: sponsored, film,, streaming, video

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